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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 173-334

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On Perhermitian Matrices

Richard D. Hill, Ronald G. Bates, and Steven R. Waters

pp. 173-179

A Matrix Equation Approach to the Design of Low-Order Regulators

L. H. Keel and S. P. Bhattacharyya

pp. 180-199

Some $0$–$1$ Solutions to Matrix Equation $A^m - A^n = lJ$—Part I

Chi Fai Ho

pp. 200-206

Sets of Positive Operators with Suprema

W. N. Anderson, Jr., T. D. Morley, and G. E. Trapp

pp. 207-212

Algebraic Polar Decomposition

Irving Kaplansky

pp. 213-217

The Laplacian Spectrum of a Graph

Robert Grone, Russell Merris, and V. S. Sunder

pp. 218-238

Robust Stability and Performance Analysis for State-Space Systems via Quadratic Lyapunov Bounds

Dennis S. Bernstein and Wassim M. Haddad

pp. 239-271

On the Singular Values of a Product of Operators

Rajendra Bhatia and Fuad Kittaneh

pp. 272-277

Points of Continuity of the Kronecker Canonical Form

Inmaculada De Hoyos

pp. 278-300

On Rutishauser's Approach to Self-Similar Flows

D. S. Watkins and L. Elsner

pp. 301-311

Incremental Condition Estimation

Christian H. Bischof

pp. 312-322

A New Algorithm for Finding a Pseudoperipheral Node in a Graph

Roger G. Grimes, Daniel J. Pierce, and Horst D. Simon

pp. 323-334